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I love people watching. Borrowing Louis Armstrong’s words, “The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky… are also on the faces of people going by” 

I can only do this while travelling because it’s the only time I’m not trying to get through an enormous task list. This is probably why I do my most inspired work after travelling for a while. The kind of perspective you get from a new place is unparalleled. 
So even though none of these are really commercial shoots I’ve done, I wanted to include these pictures here. At first I thought I should organise this by place and time but then looking at these pictures, I just wanted you to see them for what they are - a still moment of my life. Nothing else really matters. 
From the remote villages of Madagascar to the busy streets of London, this is just a little bit of everything that piqued my interest. 

If you see anything that interests you and want to talk about it, mail me at

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